

  • 电子邮箱[email protected]
  • 通信地址:重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街174号重庆大学(B区)环境与生态学院423室
  • 研究方向(1) 气候变化与人类活动背景下的生物群落多样性格局(如群落功能及系统发育多样性,外来物种入侵,以及群落多样性的趋同化等)及其形成和维持机制(2) 基于植物的环境生态修复策略(如受损生境或生态系统的恢复,环境污染物质的削减,以及生态系统韧性和可持续性的提升)
  • 学术概况:围绕以上研究方向开展的研究主要获得国家自然科学基金 (青年科学基金项目、面上项目) 的资助,相关成果以第一或通讯作者在 Science AdvancesNature CommunicationsES&TGlobal Ecology and BiogeographyJournal of EcologyBiological Conservation 等期刊发表。擅长基于R语言的模型统计与数据可视化,R语言使用经验10年以上。目前主讲课程《普通生物学》、《微生物生态学》、《实验设计与数据处理》、《生物统计学》等


  • 2021.09-至今,重庆大学,环境与生态学院,副教授
  • 2017.06-2021.08,重庆大学,环境与生态学院,讲师
  • 2015.06-2017.05,重庆大学,生态学流动站,博士后
  • 2012.04-2015.03,横滨国立大学,环境信息学院,环境学博士
  • 2010.04-2012.03,横滨国立大学,环境信息学院,环境学硕士
  • 2005.09-2009.06,南京林业大学,木材工业学院,工学学士


  • 国家自然科学基金 (面上项目),基于现代物种共存理论的山地城市外来植物入侵机制研究,42477500,2025.01-2028.12,47万元,在研,主持
  • 中央高校基础研究与前沿交叉专项,三峡库区不同土地利用条件下全氟污染特征演变及生态毒理效应,2020CDJQY-A014,2020.01-2021.12,15万元,结题,主持
  • 国家自然科学基金 (青年科学基金项目),山地城市自生植物功能性状对城市化的响应与适应机制,31901152,2020.01-2022.12,22万元,结题,主持
  • 重点实验室开放基金,中国城市绿地生物均质化及其驱动机制研究,SHUES2018A01,2019.01-2019.12,3万元,结题,主持
  • 重庆市博士后研究人员科研项目特别资助,亚热带常绿阔叶林优势物种营养利用对策与共存机制研究,Xm2016083,2016.11-2017.05,5万元,结题,主持
  • 中国博士后科学基金第59批面上资助,缙云山常绿阔叶树种营养利用对策与植物—土壤反馈机制,2016M592635,2016.05-2017.05,5万元,结题,主持


  • Qian, H.*, Qian, S.*, Kessler, M. (2024). Spatial and climatic drivers of β-diversity in assemblages of angiosperm genera across the world. Journal of Ecology, (Accepted).
  • Qian, H.*, Kessler, M., Qian, S.*, & Zhang, J. (2024). Patterns and drivers of taxonomic and phylogenetic endemism in regional fern floras across the world. Biological Conservation, 291, 110506.
  • Qian, H.*, Qian, S.*, Zhang, J., Kessler, M.* (2024) Effects of climate and environmental heterogeneity on the phylogenetic structure of regional angiosperm floras worldwide. Nature Communications, 15, 1079.
  • Qian, H.*, Kessler, M., Zhang, J., Jin, Y., Soltis, D. E., Qian, S.*, Zhou, Y., & Soltis, P. S. (2023). Angiosperm phylogenetic diversity is lower in Africa than South America. Science Advances, 9(46), eadj1022.
  • Qian, S., Lu, H., Xiong, T., Zhi, Y.*, Munoz, G., Zhang, C., Li, Z., Liu, C., Li, W., Wang, X., & He, Q. (2023). Bioaccumulation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Ferns: Effect of PFAS Molecular Structure and Plant Root Characteristics. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(11), 4443-4453.
  • Qian, H.*, & Qian, S.* (2022). Floristic homogenization as a result of the introduction of exotic species in China. Diversity and Distributions, 28(10), 2139-2151.
  • Qian, H., Qian, S.*, & Sandel, B. (2022). Phylogenetic structure of alien and native species in regional plant assemblages across China: Testing niche conservatism hypothesis versus niche convergence hypothesis. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(9), 1864-1876.
  • Qian, H., Rejmánek, M., & Qian, S.* (2022). Are invasive species a phylogenetically clustered subset of naturalized species in regional floras? A case study for flowering plants in China. Diversity and Distributions, 28(10), 2084-2093.
  • Zhi, Y., Lu, H., Grieger, K. D., Munoz, G., Li, W., Wang, X., He, Q., & Qian, S.* (2022). Bioaccumulation and Translocation of 6: 2 Fluorotelomer Sulfonate, GenX, and Perfluoroalkyl Acids by Urban Spontaneous Plants. ACS ES&T Engineering.
  • Hu, L., Qin, D., Lu, H., Li, W., Shang, K., Lin, D., Zhao, L., Yang, Y., & Qian, S.* (2021). Urban growth drives trait composition of urban spontaneous plant communities in a mountainous city in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 293, 112869.
  • Qian, S.*, Qin, D., Wu, X., Hu, S., Hu, L., Lin, D., Zhao, L., Shang, K., Song, K., & Yang, Y.* (2020). Urban growth and topographical factors shape patterns of spontaneous plant community diversity in a mountainous city in southwest China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 55, 126814.